The main attractions of Argentina


The sights of Argentina amaze the imagination of even seasoned tourists. The country attracts numerous travelers with its charming pristine nature, incredible mountain landscapes, eternal glaciers and the vibrant nightlife of megacities. To see the beauty of this magnificent land with your own eyes, a huge number of tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

Let's consider in more detail what Argentina is known for, what to see when visiting the country.

In addition to the main attractions of the capital, we advise you to devote most of your trips to the surrounding area, we will just touch on the most interesting places in this article.

In the reviews, tourists recommend that you definitely try local winesee the present with your own eyes Argentine tango, go to stadium La Bombonera, visit local residential areas, take a walk on the city bridge City bridge On the Sunset.

Buenos Aires

The most visited city in the country and on the continent was founded in 1536 and then destroyed. The capital acquired a new life in 1580. The city is famous for an abundance of historical monuments, a developed entertainment industry, lively trade, a huge selection of restaurants and eateries for every taste.

The capital of the country is located on the Rio de la Plata, it is distinguished by its European style, but at the same time retains its Latin American charm. Having visited it once, you will again and again remember this unforgettable journey.

Plaza de Mayo

The most important square in Argentina. It was here in 1810 that the country's independence was proclaimed. This historic site hosts significant political events, demonstrations and rallies.

Plaza de Mayo was founded by the conquistador Juan de Harem. Over the centuries, it has repeatedly changed its appearance. The area underwent the last transformations in 1813. After the destruction of the colonnade that divided it into two parts, it was merged into a single whole. The Plaza de Mayo is home to the most famous sights of Argentina, with photos and descriptions of which can also be found on our website.

Cabildo Museum

It is located in a stately building and is adjacent to the main square of the country. Previously, the site was government-owned, but now it has received the status of a national historic institution. Numerous expositions of the museum have a patriotic orientation. The printing press is its main attraction, since it was on it that the first printed documents were created.

The Cabildo also houses a gold and silver shield donated by the Brazilian government as a symbol of support during the invasion of the country by the British troops. In addition, the museum has underground prisons accessible to tourists.

Park Tres de Febrero

Asking the question: what to see in Argentina, visit this metropolitan park. It was founded in 1875, and at the beginning of the next century it was fully equipped. A Japanese garden has been laid out on a vast territory, a planetarium works, and artificial reservoirs have been created.

Planetarium "Galileo Galilei"

The shape of the structure resembles a UFO. The building was built in the Tres de Febrero park in 1968. The planetarium is equipped with modern equipment. A system with lasers and projectors was installed under its dome, broadcasting almost 9 thousand stars to the ceiling. With its help, visitors will see what the sky was like in different eras.

In clear weather, guests of the planetarium can gaze at the stars. The building contains fragments of a meteorite, as well as an interactive museum with photographs and samples of space bodies.

Perito Moreno glacier

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What is Argentina famous for? Of course, glaciers, among which the brightest is Perito Moreno, located on the border with Chile and the local province of Santa Cruz. The natural creation amazes with its fantastic appearance, and its age reaches 30 thousand years. The glacier is constantly shrinking and moving. The speed of movement of the ice block reaches up to two meters per day.

There are three observation platforms in the park where the glacier is located. From them you can watch how huge blocks of ice break off and fall into Lake Argentino.

Iguazu Falls

The wonderful nature of Argentina bewitches and delights. One of her incredible creations is the Iguazu Falls complex, formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. It unites 275 crescent-shaped waterfalls.

Almost all waterfalls are 60 meters high. The width of the largest, named "Devil's throat“, Is one and a half hundred meters. The falls were discovered in the middle of the 16th century by the Spanish traveler Cabeza de Vaca.

La Boca

Tourist area of ​​the capital, attracting crowds of inquisitive visitors. La Boca has everything that the sophisticated traveler will surely enjoy. Music is constantly playing here, dance floors are installed, numerous restaurants and cafes are open. On the main street of the district - Caminito, artists write their works, professional artists dance incendiary tango, and local residents sell various souvenirs.

The area is quite recognizable, you can often see it in the photos of the country. The main architectural highlight of La Boca is the colorful houses. We recommend that you definitely visit here.

Nahuel Huapi National Park

It is located in the southern part of the country and has the same name as the lake. The main task of creating a park with an area of ​​850 hectares was the preservation of endangered species of animals and plants. Nahuel Huapi has an extinct volcano called Tornador. Trees grow on its territory, the age of which reaches almost 500 years. Want to visit interesting places in Argentina? Head to Nahuel Huapi, where the highlight of this place is the purest lake.

Lake Nahuel Huapi

Where to visit in Argentina? On this mysterious lake, which is famous for its unique beauty. They say that a monster lives in its waters, so scientists often came to these lands, but the mysterious beast has not yet been found. Many in the reviews enthusiastically write about active recreation in this area, indeed, there are several dozen trails for independent walking tours.

Talampaya Park

A unique square, included in the UNESCO list in 2000. There are many rivers flowing in Talampaya, and numerous species of animals live. In the park, nature has created unique compositions of stone and sand, which avid travelers will surely wish to see. There is evidence that dinosaurs once lived in Talampai.

Obelisk in Buenos Aires

It is located on Republic Square, and its height reaches 67 m. Various official and formal events are constantly held near the monument. It is here that local residents celebrate the victory of the country's football team, or discuss its loss. The obelisk was built in 1936 in just four weeks, and its architect was Alberto Prebisch. To prevent city vandals from damaging the monument, the local authorities decided to make a fence around it. Since the day of its installation, the obelisk has no longer changed its appearance.

Palace of the National Congress

Architectural masterpiece of the architect Vitto Mianolocated in the center of the capital. Its construction began in 1897 and was completed in 1908, two years after the death of the architect. The building amazes with its luxurious facade and chic interior decoration. At night, the palace is illuminated and looks even more attractive.

Museum of Latin American Art

While exploring the sights of Argentina, visit this institution. Its opening took place in 2001.The museum collection is constantly growing. The museum often hosts exhibitions, meetings with artists, films are shown.

Valdes Peninsula

What else is Argentina famous for? Of course the Valdes Peninsula. The area is famous for its rich fauna, rocks, salt lakes, and the presence of reefs. The peninsula is home to Magellanic penguins and other animals. The oceanic waters of the Atlantic coast are replete with right whales, sea lions, eared seals and other inhabitants.

Theater Colon

Its construction began in 1889 and lasted almost 20 years due to the death of the patron and architects. The colonna is notable for its rich interior decoration, and in its foyer there are busts of famous composers. You can get to the theater on a guided tour, but its cost may exceed the price of a ticket to the show.

Cueva de las Manos cave

Tucked away in Santa Cruz. In ancient times, the ancestors of the hunters of Patagonia lived here. In this dungeon, there are inkprints of human hands on the walls. Their approximate age is 9 thousand years BC.

If you are still wondering what interesting things to see in Argentina, we advise you to visit Cueva de las Manos in any season.

Los Glaciares National Park

Located in the province of Santa Cruz. You should know - a third of the park is covered with eternal ice. Los Glaciares is home to over a hundred species of birds and many other animals. There are 47 glaciers in the park, among which the most famous is Perito Moreno... In every part of Los Glaciares there is a lake, among which the largest is called Argentino .


If you are interested in the beautiful places of Argentina, which are worth seeing first of all, then we recommend going to Patagonia - exactly the place that will make a vivid and unforgettable impression. Landscapes of the region are unique and amazing. The beauty of its glaciers, plains and fjords makes your heart stop.


In appearance, its building resembles an opera house. The temple is located on May Square. The cathedral has 12 columns, each of which symbolizes an apostle. The interior of the building is so luxurious that it is simply breathtaking to contemplate. The floor of the cathedral is covered with Venetian mosaics, and the vaults with walls are decorated with paintings by Paolo Parisi. The cathedral houses the tomb of General San Martin, one of the leaders of the May Revolution.

May pyramid

Fits organically into the surrounding architecture. It has a snow-white color and is the first monument in the country. The monument was erected in honor of the May Revolution that took place in 1810. At its top is the Statue of Liberty, symbolizing the country's independence.

Casa Rosada (Pink Palace)

Presidential residence on the central square of the capital. You can get into it on a guided tour and even visit the president's office. In Casa Rosada, the head of state is only concerned with state affairs, does not live in it like some heads of other countries.

The final reconstruction of the building was completed in 1886, after the unification of the Presidential Palace and the Post Office building under one roof. The pink color of the object is explained by the addition of the blood of bulls to the lime, which was supposed to protect the coating from destruction.

There is another version of painting the building pink. It is believed to have become a symbol of reconciliation between the red and white warring factions. On weekends, the entrance to the Pink Palace is completely free and the duration of the stay is 60 minutes. Every hour a change of the guard takes place near the palace.

Ibera National Park

Swampy area, which received the status of a nature reserve in 1983. It is distinguished by a vast territory, where swamps and lakes are located, covered with a charming carpet of outlandish unique plants.

The park also has lagoons, waterfalls, more than four thousand species of different representatives of flora and fauna.

Libreria El Ateneo Bookstore

On a busy shopping street in the fashionable Recoleta district of Buenos Aires, you can visit the amazing temple of books. A huge room with accents that showcase the best in craftsmanship from the early 20th century. Entering here you will be amazed by the serenity, where conversations are muffled, as if in a large library.

Great great bookstore Ateneo, which blogs and travel guides often refer to as "the most beautiful bookstore in the world". Perhaps they are not wrong. This spacious shop is housed in a beautifully preserved old theater. Only instead of dancers and tango singers, you can now find literature here. We especially recommend focusing on the best travel books that you can read here.

The building was opened as a theater in 1919, when Buenos Aires flourished as a major port and center of trade.

Skyscraper Palacio Barolo

Built in 1923 by the architect Palanti... At the time, it was the highest on the continent. Palacio Barolo was originally conceived as an office building, and now it serves the same function. Since all the premises of the building are occupied by offices, tourists can only get acquainted with the hall of the skyscraper. A guided tour of the palace is by appointment.

The interior of the Palacio Barolo is decorated with unique features including elevator grills and doorknobs. The structure was well designed and very beautiful. According to her project, a similar twin palace was built in the capital of Uruguay.

Excursions in Argentina in Russian

Attractions of Argentina on the map

Life hacks for independent tourists

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