Hainan Vacation Season 2021: When is the Best Time to Go?


Author: Irina

Package tours from Russia to China have been suspended.

You also noticed how colleagues from work suddenly began to go to the sea not to Tai, but to ... China? Still, visit a resort to feel like in the Maldives, and pay like for China!

We are figuring out when it is better to go to rest in Hainan - not yet advertised, and from this an even more interesting Asian destination. Theoretically, you can fly to "eastern Hawaii" at any time. However, in practice, it will not always be comfortable. So that the vacation does not become a disappointment, we tell you in detail about the season for vacation in Hainan:

✓ When to see the sights?

✓ When to swim and sunbathe?

✓ When to get wet in the rain?

Start and end of the Hainan season in 2021

The season in Hainan is the most confusing in all of Southeast Asia. Not like Thailand, Vietnam or India.

If in the mainland of China in winter frosts and precipitation in the form of snow, then on the island of Hainan the sun is shining, and the sea temperature is + 24 ° C. Chilly? The table below shows which month is best = hottest!

Season in Hainan by months:


Yellow - dry but fresh
Green - dry and warm, calm sea
Red - hot, humid (+ rain) and waves

It should be clarified that translated into numbers "fresh" is:

  • Air temperature + 20 ° С ... + 24 ° С
  • Water temperature + 20 ° С ... + 23 ° С

Thus, swimming in December and January is quite real. Plus, this is the best time for excursions! That is why some tourist brochures claim that the season in Hainan is all year round (no, actually).

The beach season in Hainan begins in February, with a peak in March or April. It starts to rain in May.

In summer and autumn, Hainan Island is dominated by heavy rains and hurricanes. It "dries up" only in November. This time is also the hottest: + 30 ° С on land, + 28 ° С in water, and in the evening it is cool at + 25 ° С. But you shouldn't count on sunny weather, the sky is overcast.

Services for finding cheap tours

If you go to Hainan on a voucher, visa is NOT REQUIRED. Before departure, you will be asked to scan your passport in color in order to add it to the so-called “visa-free list”. This concession from China strictly regulates the rights of a tourist - he can NOT leave the island during the rest.

As you might guess, it is cheapest to buy a tour to Hainan with the expectation of a beach holiday in the border months, when the season begins or ends, i.e. in October, December, February and May. For comparison:

➢ The cost of a tour for two to Hainan in the low season (December 2021) - from 55,000 rubles.

➢ In the bathing season (April 2021), a similar voucher - from 70,000 rubles.

It is easier and more profitable to choose a tour online. It is immediately clear whether there are direct flights from the desired city, plus there is no need for services to hide inexpensive tours or conceal which tour operator has a lower price. Our favorites are three aggregators:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • Onlinetours

- If you donate a "bathing suit", then in winter for 10 days you can fly together to the island from Moscow for 60,000 rubles. Celebrate the New Year in Hainan - from 105,000 rubles for two (from the end of December).

- Tours during the beach season (end of March-April) - from 75,000 rubles. At the same time, rest together for 14 days - from 110,000 rubles.

- Family vacation (dad + mom + child) for 10 days (also in the spring of 2021) - from 110,000 rubles.

- Prices for "all inclusive" ... and there are no such tours yet. But! Next year, Hainan introduces all inclusive like Turkish! Isn't that joy?

Hainan (China) Monthly Weather

Given the fact that the climate on the Chinese island is subtropical, there are no seasons we are used to. We analyze how the weather in Hainan changes by months.

Hainan in December, January and February

Hainan is dry and fresh in winter. Someone swims, but in general, heated pools are preferable :)

December The rainy season officially ends, but there are still quite a few cloudy days - about 20. At night it sometimes gets colder up to + 19 ° С (south, Sanya) or + 16 ° С (north, Haikou). However, by noon it warms up to + 25 ° С, and the sea up to + 24 ° С. You can swim!

January will not bring warmth. Although the thermometer can show + 25 ° C during the day, and the scoreboard on the beach proves that the water is + 23 ° C, the sea breeze will "cool". Reviews of tourists indicate that it feels like no more than + 20 ° C. Warm things must have. On January 25, 2021, by the way, the Chinese are celebrating the New Year. Once you see, you won't forget :)

Some advances towards warming are beginning in February... The number of sunny days is doubled. There is no rain - this is the driest month. Heat-loving vacationers can still be cool: the average daytime temperatures outside + 26 ° С, in the sea + 25 ° С. Many agree that this is the best month in Hainan - sunny, warm, but without heat and excessive humidity.

Hainan in March, April and May

Hainan is the most "touristy" in spring. If we assume that the island has a certain holiday season, then it is from late March to mid-May.

Weather in Marchparadoxically, worse than in February. And all because of the winds and their consequences in the form of storms.

In April the sea calms down. That's when it's better to go swimming! Warm water - up to + 30 ° С, sun every day, beauty!

In the second half of May the end of perfect beach weather comes. The rains are beginning. But it pours mainly at night and in the morning.

Hainan in June, July and August

In summer, the tourist season in Hainan dies down. The region is very humid at high temperatures. Even the Chinese prefer to rest in other places at this time of the year.

In June daytime temperatures do not drop below + 28 ° С, on average + 32 ° С. It rains 50% of the time (at night and in the morning most often). Slightly fresher at night - about + 25 ° С.

In July the hottest and wettest season begins. There are precipitations every day. All summer the sea is heated within the range of + 29 ° С ... + 30 ° С.

In August everything is unchanged, although it gets a little cooler. Night temperatures are around + 26 ° C ... + 27 ° C, during the day + 30 ° C.

Hainan in September, October and November

The beginning of autumn is not the most pleasant time to travel.

In September it often rains on the island, but they are not the main problem. During the day there are periods of "enlightenment", the sun may come out. Most unpleasant of all is the sticky stuffiness. At high humidity, the air temperature is around + 30 ° С. Plus, typhoons are possible at this time.

In October the weather continues to upset visiting tourists: wet, cloudy. At the beginning of the month, it is also crowded: October 1 is the day of the formation of the Republic in China. And this is a weekend week, which many citizens of the Celestial Empire seek to spend on the coast.

November comfortable in terms of temperature (although without fanaticism, there is no heat, in the region of + 25 ° C, moreover, both on land and in water). But the sun will not be enough. Ready to splash under the clouds? Wellcome!

When is the best time to relax in Hainan? Reviews of tourists

- In general, you shouldn't fly to Hainan in the summer, especially with children - it's too stuffy. But even here the reviews of our compatriots never tire of surprising me: quite a few people talk about a great vacation in August! (personally, in such conditions, I would keep the air conditioner in sight all the time =)

- Hainan in autumn also raises many questions: in September - hurricanes, in October - it may rain for a week in a row. Moreover, there were crowds of Chinese at the beginning of the month. The best time is in November. And even in December. Some Russians are delighted with the weather on the island at this time of the year: unlike other resorts in Asia, it is quite cool here, + 20 ° С ... + 25 ° С. The same goes for February.

By the way, the autumn season in China is ideal for sightseeing of its mainland, and then you can drop by to catch a swim in Hainan. In this case, even if you are not lucky with the weather, it will not be so offensive :)

- And yet the beach season in Hainan is in the spring, and in the winter it is considered an "amateur".But a trip to China from December to March will be comfortable for an excursion program. And there is something to see!

What to see in Hainan?

There are two major tourist cities in Hainan, around which the main points for recreation, treatment and entertainment are concentrated.

  • Haikou - in the north of the island
  • Sanya - in the south

* there is an airport in each of the cities.

What is the island famous for? What sights and excursions do you need to visit?

➢ Haikou itself, the capital of the island, deserves attention. For example, there are many historical monuments associated with the rule of the Ming dynasty.

➢ Sleeping volcano Ma Anh - located half an hour from Haikou, the observation deck is located directly above the crater.
Price: 60 yuan (550 rubles)

➢ Buddhist Temple Nanshan - located 40 km from Sanya.
Price: 129 yuan (1180 rubles)

➢ Ethnic Park Bethel-Nat - looks like an open-air museum: national huts of the local Li and Meow peoples are scattered across the territory.
Price: 169 yuan (1,540 rubles)

➢ Yalong Bay Park - the main attraction of the park is the glass-bottom bridge over the abyss.
Cost: 158 yuan (1440 rubles) - entrance to the park + moving around the park by bus, glass bridge - 98 yuan (895 rubles, additional charge)

If you are planning a vacation in Hainan with children, then there will be something to entertain them:

➢ Monkey Island - you can get here by funicular, enjoying the views on the way.Cost: entrance ticket - 68 yuan (620 rubles, adults), children up to 120 cm - free. Cable car - 60 yuan (550 rubles) per person

➢ Water park in Sanya - in fact, there are several similar entertainment at the resort, there is plenty to choose from. One of the popular options is the Sanya Water Park, which is part of the Songcheng Resort area (it also includes an ice center, a zoo and a romantic park where performances are held).
Price: 160 yuan - adults (1460 rubles), 100 yuan - children 120-150 cm (910 rubles), children up to 120 cm - free

Our reviews

Should you go to a Chinese beach resort? Depends on the preferences of tourists, but we speak FOR!

+ Hainan differs from other Asian resorts in climate, nature and cuisine. Therefore, if you are into variety, this is a great alternative to Vietnam or Thailand.

+ By the way, the cuisine - seafood is very tasty here.

+ Availability of medical centers: you can not only sunbathe, but also heal;)

+ Quite a budget holiday option.

The main disadvantage is the road. The answer to the question of how long to fly to Hainan makes parents of small children (and their neighbors =)) shudder - 10 hours by direct charter. Options with transfers are all for 16-19 hours.

When is it cheaper to vacation in Hainan?

When to fly to the island in order to get both pleasure from the trip and cheaper? Go to a tour search engine - for example, Travelata - and try to find it as follows.

Looking at the reviews of tourists, we can say that by months the best season for holidays in Hainan looks like this:

✓ In November and December - inexpensive, a beach holiday is possible, but without heat (as on the Black Sea coast in September-October).

✓ February is a good time for swimming, excursions, and to save the budget;)

✓ Tours in the last days of March are much cheaper than those in April (74,000 rubles VS 93,000 rubles).

✓ May - for those tourists who do not want to overpay, but love "hot".

We tell about seasons in other countries:
