How to get from Rome to Tivoli - all ways


We will tell you how to get from Rome to Tivoli on your own. What is the fastest transport? Which is cheaper? Schedule, names of train stations and bus stations, prices for travel and purchase of tickets. Tips on how to save money.

How to get by bus from Rome to Tivoli

The picturesque town is located on the western slope of the Sabine Mountains, just 30 km from Rome. In 50 minutes you can get from Rome to Tivoli by bus.

Stops... Blue air-conditioned buses Cotral from Rome to Tivoli depart from the metro station Ponte mammolo (line B). To land, go up to the upper level, to platforms 2-3. We advise you to check the information about the place of departure on the scoreboard!

In Tivoli, buses arrive at the final stop, which is located 2 km from the main attraction of the city - the old Villa D'Este. You may not reach the end, but get off at the bus stop Piazza giuseppe garibaldi ("Piazza Garibaldi"), 100 meters from the famous villa.

If you plan to visit Adrian's villa, get off earlier - in the city center and change to city bus number 4. Tickets for it cost 1 euro, and they are sold at tobacco kiosks tabaccherіе.

schedule... Buses from Rome to Tivoli run from morning to late evening at intervals of 10-20 minutes. Go to the carrier's website, type at the starting point of the route - Roma Ponte Mammolo, and in the end - Tivoliand you will see the exact timetable and the names of all stops.

Where can I buy a ticket. Tickets for the Rome - Tivoli bus are not sold online. They can be bought only before boarding - in the cafe, which is located behind the turnstiles in the metro building, and at the newsstand at the exit from the station. One way travel costs 2.2 euros. Do not forget to validate your travel document at a special terminal located at the beginning of the cabin, next to the driver!

How to save... If you take a round-trip ticket for 4.4 euros, there will be no need to waste time shopping on the way back from Tivoli.

How to get by train from Rome to Tivoli

The most comfortable and fastest way to independently get from Rome to Tivoli is by local electric trains treno regionale. Travel time is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Trains depart from Rome train stations Tiburtini and Termini, from platforms Est1Est3... It is not so easy to understand the structure of Roman train stations. We advise you to arrive 30 minutes before departure so as not to miss the train.

In Tivoli, trains arrive at the station Stazione di Tivoli, which is located on the eastern outskirts of the city. From here to the historic center - 20 minutes on foot. If you need thermal springs, get off early - at the station Bagni di tivoli.

schedule... Trains from Rome to Tivoli run daily from 5:35 am to 10:00 pm at intervals of 10 to 40 minutes. The exact timetable can be found on the official website of the Italian railways

Where can I buy a ticket... Travel documents for Rome - Tivoli trains are sold at ticket offices and vending machines at railway stations. Tickets cost between 2.74 and 3.16 euros. Italian cashiers, as a rule, only know their native language, and Trenitalia electronic machines have a menu in English.

To buy online, use the Russian-language service Omio. Do not forget to validate the tickets at the station, otherwise you will have to pay a fine - 30 euros plus the cost of a new ticket for the same train.

How to save... You won't be able to buy a ticket cheaper than at the box office. In order not to waste time standing in lines, we advise you to shop online.

Excursions from Rome to Tivoli

If you like exploring the sights of Italy with a guide, buy a tour in Russian. From Rome there are several one-day tours to Tivoli, which last 4-4.5 hours. Group excursions cost from 40 to 75 euros, and individual ones - 350 euros.

Tourists are picked up from hotels in Rome, brought to Tivoli by bus or train. The guide conducts a sightseeing tour of the city, shows the excursionists Villa D'Este, the Gregorian Villa and ancient streets. Entrance tickets to Villa D'Este are paid separately - from 10 to 13 euros.

Look for excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

BlaBlaCar ride

A taxi from Rome to Tivoli is expensive - 60-75 euros, so it is more profitable to look for fellow travelers and share the cost of travel with them. It is convenient to do this using the popular BlaBlaCar service. To see driver offers and prices, enter "Rome" at the point of departure and "Tivoli" at the point of arrival. Set a date and a suitable time.

We found inexpensive options - from 5 euros. If there are no trips for the day you selected, you will have to use public transport.

Rent a Car

The excellent A24 and SR5 roads lead from Rome to Tivoli. It is pleasant to travel on them by car. You can get there non-stop in 40 minutes. In the morning and evening, there are traffic jams on the tracks.

The cheapest rental offices are located at Fiumicino Airport. An economy class car costs from 15 euros per day. Don't forget to plan for additional expenses - paying for highways, gas and parking. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

How to save... We recommend renting a car for a few days.

What is the best way to get from Rome to Tivoli

The journey by car will take 40 minutes, by bus - 50 minutes, and by train - 1 hour. Many people like to travel to the ancient city as part of an excursion group.

If you are not ready to spend extra money, choose the cheapest option - the bus. Disadvantages of this trip - traffic jams on a busy highway Via Tiburtina... Buses to Tivoli are actively used by locals, so sometimes there are not enough seats.

It is convenient to travel by taxi with children or with a group of friends, and alone - by car with fellow travelers. For tourists who like to explore new places while driving, renting a car is suitable. A rental car gives you complete freedom of movement. You can navigate the most interesting sights of the Lazio region and stop wherever you like.
